Thursday, December 31, 2009

Inventory of 2009

I read this on the always enjoyable Blakery and found this fill-in-the-blank template from Mary Schmich at The Chicago Tribune and thought I would give it a try. Because Blake's right: what else can parents of toddlers do on new year's eve?

In 2009, I think I gained a few more pounds when Olsen was able to tolerate dairy, because that meant the return of ice cream and cheese to my diet!

I lost some confidence in my ability to balance my roles as student and mom. I hope to really work on this in 2010.

I stopped showering daily. It's not really possible with a toddler. But I want to try and get up early to exercise so if that can happen, then I will be back to showering daily. :)

I started Olsen in daycare twice a week and still have mixed feelings about it.

I was hugely satisfied by some things I actually got done regarding schoolwork this past year.

And frustrated by the things I didn't get done.

I am so embarassed that I freaked out about my lack of progress in my Ph.D world in front of Meg and Joanna. (They were wonderful and helpful though.)

Once again, I said I would eat more vegetables and cook much more instead of getting pizza all of the time.

Once again, I did not do that nearly as much I should have.

The biggest physical difference between me last December and me this January is the extra pounds, I guess I would have to say again.

The biggest psychological difference is that I am much less worried about Olsen's physical health. His digestive system has not given him any trouble for several months now.

I loved spending time with my little toddler. He's so funny.

Why did I spend even two minutes stressed out about what I should be doing instead of just doing it?!

I should have spent more time making more progress on my degree.

I watched way too much TV!

I didn't exercise nearly enough.

Graduate school drove me crazy.

The most relaxing place I went to was Estes Park this past summer.

Why did I go to Athens, GA and leave my toddler-baby for 5 days?

The best thing I did for someone else was try to be helpful and easily accessible.

The best thing I did for myself was use a little bit of the time Olsen was in daycare to have some lunch dates with Adrian.

The one thing I'd like to do again, but do it better, is parent Olsen. (I borrowed that from Blake).

Happy New Year and New Decade!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2010 - the year of Lucy surgeries

It looks like 2010 will be the year of Lucy surgeries. Our little girl seems to be falling apart. Last month she was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and surgery is recommended since she cannot really walk very well right now. Last week she was running in excitement and hurt herself. We thought it was her hips but it turns out that she tore her cruciate ligament in her left knee, so she needs surgery on that first. And then after 6 months (!) she can get one hip done and then 3 months later, the other hip. Then after all that, she needs to get a tooth pulled. In the meantime, Lucy will have to take it easy and can only have minimal exercise. She's a little overweight so I'm not sure how we will be able to get her to lose any weight or at the very least not gain any more until she is recovered.

Lucy in the leaves, a few years ago, a few pounds lighter.

Monday, December 28, 2009

last semester recap!

I think last semester went well for the most part. Olsen started going to an in-home daycare two days a week, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. He is generally more sad and grumpy on Tuesdays and is nicer on Wednesdays. I hope that soon he will actually look forward to going. He always enjoys lunch there at least.

I also went to a conference in Athens, GA and left little Olsen for five whole days. Poor Adrian. But he handled it really well and they both survived. I didn't use that trip as an opportunity to wean, though. He still likes to nurse and I thought it might be a good thing to do through flu season at least. It is interesting to me how some people think that Olsen is too old to nurse but at the same time are fine with 2 and 3-year olds with pacifiers and bottles. oh well, some American ideas can be puzzling.

I don't know if I made as much progress on my degree as I would have liked. I'd really like to step it up this next semester. I think Adrian feels the same and can hopefully finish his masters soon. I'd really like to take and pass my comprehensive exams by the beginning part of next fall. We'll see if that happens. Maybe that will be a new year's resolution.