Wednesday, November 12, 2008

shots and other health related news...

Today Olsen received the last two shots from his two-month series. We're doing a slightly modified schedule so that he doesn't get 6 shots at once (but he is getting all the vaccinations). I realize that this modified schedule probably doesn't really do anything, but I figure for my peace of mind that it is worth it. He was such a good boy. He tends to have a delayed reaction and cries after the shots are done. I hold him for a little bit and he calms down really fast. Now he is sleeping. I'm hoping that all his vaccinations go like the past two sessions, although I fear he will become more sad as he gets older.

This past Sunday, we went to Emily and Seth's casa for a fabulous dinner. Emily and Seth have a Wii and a Wii Fit. It is too cool. BUT I did the little health assessment thing, and apparently I have the fitness level of a 38 year old and the Wii suspects that I must trip when I walk! yikes, indeed. I think I will partly blame that on having a baby not tooooo long ago (well maybe it was awhile ago) and being tired from minimal sleep. However, I seriously do need to exercise. I just am not sure when to exercise. I have a PeeWee Pilates book that shows exercises that I can do with Olsen, but everytime I try, he gets mad. Hopefully I can figure out how to schedule in some exercise soon. On a good note, I have a healthy BMI and the Wii said I weigh less than what I thought. According to the Wii, I am almost back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Even so, my pre-pregnancy jeans still seem tight to me. So I am wondering where this weight loss has come from. I'm starting to suspect I might have lost some brain mass. sigh.


Nikki said...

Speaking of exercise, a few weeks ago Dan and I were running around campus and I thought of you and Adrian. I really missed not "running" into you.

Lisa said...

that was fun! I miss running around campus on those clear, blue days.