Saturday, October 06, 2012

NaBloPoMo Day 6: Hiking up Logan Canyon

Day six of NaBloPoMo.  Theme: "past adventures that we haven't been able to blog about as well as what's happening currently".  This blog will be about hiking along the Logan River Trail from the Spring Hollow campground to the Guinavah-Malibu campground on September 3rd (Labor Day) and about hiking the Jardine Juniper trail on September 16 (Mexican Independence Day).

On Labor Day, Olsen decided to go on a hike with his friends Eryn and Gavin.  It was such a nice day and a beautiful time for a hike.  Despite what my critics say, here is a map showing the road route from Spring Hollow to Guinavah-Malibu

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Jovie being a princess
The hiking baby was ready
Eryn reads the sign
Olsen and Eryn reading the signs
Jovie in the hiking backpack 1
The little princess liked the backpack
The boys trying to climb up to Eryn
The boys climbing to Eryn
Olsen climbing
Olsen climbing up some rocks
The Wind Cave
We could see Wind Cave in the distance
The hiking kids 1
The three hiking kids
The hiking kids 3
They had a great time
All 4 kids on a bench
Happy hiking kids on a bench
The kids all had a great time hiking.
Here are the rest of the pictures from hiking the River Trail.

On September 16th, we decided to take a quick hike on the Jardine Juniper trail (this time I won't include a map......).  We never make it very far on this trail but it's good exercise for the kids and the dog.

Hiking team moving out
Hiking team moving out. The weather was nice early on
Lone red tree
We wanted to see some fall colors but only really found 1 lone red tree
There were some nice Aspen trees
Colorful hill in the distance
Oh, there are the fall colors, way far away...
Hiking Momma with Little boy
Hiking Momma and little boy
Smiling little baby
Jovie had fun playing in the rocks
Here are the rest of the pictures from hiking the Jardine Juniper trail.

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