The whole idea of doing this came from Lisa wanting to get a team together to participate in the mud run. I'm not sure what spurred her to want to do this but she ended up getting a team of three others (Vanessa, Jalila, and Karen) to join her. Victor, Jalila's husband, asked me if I wanted to get a team together since they're getting a team together. The girls were going to do the run on Saturday so that meant we could do ours on Friday. We got a team of eight together (I invited Rob, Karen's husband, and he invited Randall; Victor invited four others from the Education Dept at USU).
Since Rob works for the athletic department at USU, his equipment manager got an idea. One of the fun things about the mud run is dressing up in a costume. Rob's equipment manager really likes the challenge of cleaning something really dirty so he let Rob borrow USU football uniforms for his team to try and get as dirty as possible. The only issue here is that he only got three uniforms and there were eight on our team (which he didn't know about). Since I know Rob and Rob invited a friend, Randall, the logical choice was for us three to have the uniforms. Also, the other five on our team are all professors of Education at USU, since this was, more or less, an even segregation of our team.
The day of the race came and we were a little worried with it being too hot, especially with full gear on (well just jersey, shoulder pads, helmet, and pants), but we got lucky with really cool weather (and cold when you're wet!). Wearing that uniform was extremely awesome and I'm so happy that I had a chance to be a football player for a day. Here is our football trio:
I, of course, am the 12th man
And here's the rest of the team of eight
The mud run is a 5k race with 30 obstacles. You can see the map here, which shows the route as well as describes the obstacles.
View MAN vs MUD Course in a larger map
You first start off with an inner tube hand off and then down the 200 foot slide
Then you have to run up a hill to bring the tube back
Next is a set of many more obstacles that didn't get photographed. But Olsen had fun with the other kids in the Boggy Bayou; which is kind of like a little mud obstacle course for the kids.
After awhile, the football players came running down the road
And eventually completed the course
Olsen was there too (with his sister)
But he didn't want to hug his dad
Here are some of the photos from the Man vs Mud people that I downloaded
We finished our time in 58 minutes!
The next day, Lisa and her group were ready to go. They had a lot of information about what was going to happen and had a really nice day as well.
The boys had a good time too
Time to go down the slide!
Olsen had fun again at the Boggy Bayou
The ladies trudged on through the mud and the water
They finally got to the haystacks and finish line!
Time for the finish slide and mud crawl to end the run
All finished!
They finished their time in 60 minutes. Though Lisa says they had lots of long waits at each obstacle because of how crowded it was....
Here are the rest of my pictures from the mud run.
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